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  • Writer's pictureF. M.

Be the best version of yourself to live an extraordinary life

We have an extremely busy life. We look every day to find something big and we always want more. But lately it seems that people prefer looking outwards and more towards fulfilling their lives. Experience is more valuable than anything else. Our goal should be to be flexible in terms of the money. We need the focus of being the person we are today. How can you become a better person? Do you think this is a way of being true and fulfilling? Many people wonder what it is important to find identity and fulfillment in life.

What does it mean to be the best version of yourself?

When you become the most authentic you are re-discovered. As simple as it seems, it doesn't matter: Authentic discovery requires bravery. To be able to reach out to oneself you should avoid distracting thoughts and feelings that affect your self-perception.


Although you already know who you are, do you also realize what you could develop into? The majority of us are restricted by limiting concepts, which are erroneous beliefs about our true nature. You can grow and discover who you are by learning to identify and let go of any thoughts that are preventing you from being the best representation of yourself.


You must live without regrets if you want to be the best version of yourself. To step outside of your comfort zone, take calculated chances, and fail - yes, fail - is necessary. Then, you may pick yourself up and try again. Start acting instead of telling yourself what you "should" do. Picture yourself thinking on your life when you age and become gray. What do you most relish in? What do you regret the most? This will make your "musts" clear.


By concentrating on your areas of strength, you'll become more adept at them and more fully yourself as a result. It's as important to focus on your strengths when you face challenges, which you will unavoidably face. Play to your skills and strengths so that you can stay focused on what you can provide and overcome any obstacles that may arise.


Everyone possesses both talents and faults. You must deal with the problems which we all have if you want to become the better representation of yourself. Successful people approach this by having a growth mindset. They believe there are no imperfections. There are only opportunities for growth. They focus on everything they can improve rather than what they do wrong and take action to do so.


Our world is created by our beliefs, but regrettably, often those beliefs are not even our own. You've based at least a portion of your identity, like the majority of us, on the expectations of others. Being aware of how you unconsciously internalize other people's ideals is a crucial step in discovering how to become a best version of yourself. alone, and no one else's, must have the vision of who you want to be.


When you decide to find your ideal self, you are effectively establishing a higher bar for both yourself and the others you know. Your "old self" will fight against this due to uncertainties and misgivings. Instead of succumbing to the need to adhere to the personality that has been holding you back, embrace a "can-do" attitude.


Fear is a cunning adversary that saps our bravery and prevents us from living in the now. If you want to improve your health, controlling your worries is both possible and essential. When you're feeling anxious, list your fears and confront them. Write down a less terrifying but still believable alternative explanation next. Even if your thoughts don't change right away, your intellect will be aware of the defense. You might become less prone to worry by adopting the concept of fact-checking your worries as you gain experience.

Prioritize results

You won't find yourself by absorbing a lot of information since comprehending how to become a better representation of yourself demands searching inward for insight. Set a goal for your ideal self. Choose something simple and doable, like organizing your home or increasing your fiction reading. One of the best methods to overcome mental barriers and increase confidence is to set measurable goals.


As you strive to become the best version of yourself, problems will definitely come your way. Instead of giving up, cultivate "positive" feelings like passion, creativity, and adaptability. Rather than seeing difficulties as setbacks, view them as possibilities. If you maintain a positive attitude, you'll come up with original thoughts which you otherwise could not.

Give to others!

One of the Six Human Needs is contribution, which is crucial to our sense of fulfillment. Our sense of thankfulness and abundance in our own lives increases when we contribute back to the people. One way to be your best self, is to volunteer, whether it be by giving of your time, abilities, expertise, or resources.

Break free from your self-limiting ideas to become the finest version of yourself.

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